You have a popular YouTube Channel or a Blogpage and would like to test and represent the IPACÈI products? Or you want to become an Ipacei Author?

For Ipacei authors:
Become a real Ipacei cosmetics writer!
To all customers, especially our regular Ipaceiyaner customers.

Have you been using Ipacei products for a long time? Are you authentic, just like our products? Then hit the buttons.

It doesn’t matter to us whether you have 200 or 200k followers or if you don’t have a blog at all, it is important that you are over 18, under 18 a declaration of consent from your parents is sufficient.

What you get from us:
First of all, a platform on the social media channels and on the Ipacei website.

10 € voucher code + 40% discount on all Ipacei products 😌

What should you be able to do?
Write and send us a photo with you and the effects of the Ipacei product or a video. A before / after photo is the best.
Feel free to make your face unrecognizable.

How do you sign up?
Write us an email with the subject BECOME AN IPACEI AUTHOR and we will send you a sample page. Just tell us what you liked about the product so much. Have fun!

For bloggers / Ipacei ambassadors:
Then please introduce yourself briefly by email and tell us about your social media / websites / blog / YouTube pages. If necessary, we will be happy to contact you.




If you have got any questions, please send us an email and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!


©2014-2024 IPACEI® a registered trademark by IPK COSMETICS




·B2B Wiederkäufer Kosmetikvertrieb Großhandel·  




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Alle Preise inkl. 19 % gesetzlicher MwSt. exklusiver Versandkosten. Außer bei Schulungen exclusiver MwSt.

Versandkosten innerhalb Deutschlands, 4,90 € Versandkosten außerhalb Deutschlands, 12,90 €



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Prices are including VAT for Europe exclusive Shipping costs or any taxes within your country, please inform yourself for customs or special taxes in your own country before placing an order. Shipping costs in Germany 4,90 € Shipping costs International 12,90 €

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